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Lammas, Albert Victor

Albert Victor Lammas
Victory Medal
Victory Medal
British War Medal
British War Medal
Lance Corporal Albert Victor Lammas (G/12697)
Died on Monday 3rd December 1917, aged 20
Son of Harry & Emily Lammas
Father's occupation: Domestic Gardener
Born 25th June 1897 at Hurst
2 sisters, 4 brothers, position in family: 5
Senior School:Bearwood School
Local address: 2 Osborne Road, Wokingham
Pre-war occupation: Grocer's Assistant
Enlisted:Wokingham, Monday 22nd November 1915
Regiment:The Buffs (East Kent Regiment)
Battalion:1st/5th Bn.
Died:Monday 3rd December 1917
Commemorated:Grave at Baghdad (North Gate) War Cemetery

LAMMAS, ALBERT VICTOR, L.-Corpl., No. 12697, 5th (Territorial) Battn. The Buffs (East Kent Regt.) s of Harry Lammas, of 2, Osborne Road, Wokingham, Gardner, by his wife, Emily, dau. of William Shorter ; b. Hurst Twyford, co. Berks, 25 June 1897 ; educ. Bearwood School, Wokingham, co. Berks ; was a Grocer's Assistant; joined the Buffs 18 June 1915 ; served with the Indian Expeditionary Force in Mesopotamia from 13 Aug. 1917, and died at No. 23 Stationary Hospital, Bagdad, 3 Dec. following, from dysentery contracted while on active service. Buried in North Cemetery, Bagdad ; unm.



They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun, and in morning
We will remember them.
Lawrence Binyon