Hurst War Memorial, St.Nicholas Church, Hurst, Berkshire
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Hurst War Memorial
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The War Trophy

The war memorial was not the only reminder of the Great War that the village acquired after the Armistice. In June 1919 the Lord Lieutenant for Berkshire wrote to the village offering six damaged German rifles as a gift for the parish. The Parish Council considered that, after the good services rendered by the parish during the war, the gift was not a suitable one and asked for a larger trophy to be placed in a conspicuous position in the village.

The request was received favourably and within a few months the village received a German Field Gun. The Parish Council recommended that the Gun be mounted on the green at the north end of Townsend Pond, subject to the approval of the County Council. Money for the erection was to be raised by a sale arranged by the WI and Mr. Hopkins of Wokingham offered to paint the gun free of charge.

Evidently this location was not suitable and in March 1921 the Parish Council suggested that the gun be placed at the Working Men's Club (Village Hall) until a better site could be found. However the Club refused and the gun remained homeless for the next two and half years, though Mr. Hopkins had honoured his promise and painted it slate grey. In September 1923 the Parish Council offered the gun for the Boy's School playground but, exciting though it might have been for the boys, the school rejected the idea as inappropriate.

For the next ten years the Gun continued to languish in the yard of Church Farm while the Parish Council considered more pressing matters such as blocked ditches and overgrown hedges. Eventually in April 1933 they discussed the disposal of the Gun and even this proved difficult to accomplish. Finally in February 1934 it was reported that the German Field Gun had been sold for £1 and the saga came to an end.


They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun, and in morning
We will remember them.
Lawrence Binyon