Hurst War Memorial, St.Nicholas Church, Hurst, Berkshire
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Hurst War Memorial
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Ashby, John

Victory Medal
Victory Medal
British War Medal
British War Medal
729577 John Ashby (07/02/1916)
Son of John & Laura Ashby
Father's occupation: Ploughman
Born 19th September 1898 at Hurst
2 sisters
Infant School:Hurst Infants
Senior School:Hurst Boys
Local address: Davis Street
Enlisted:Hurst, Reading
Battalion:Army Service Corps
Brigade:Forage Dept.
Previous unit:Discharged 22 Sep 1916 (upon reaching 18) to join Royal Berkshire Regt.



They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun, and in morning
We will remember them.
Lawrence Binyon