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Ernest Spicer's Military Medal citation in the London Gazette
Ernest Spicer's Military Medal citation in the London Gazette
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Next: Albert Wicks

Spicer, Ernest Albert

Ernest Albert Spicer
1914 Star
1914 Star
Victory Medal
Victory Medal
British War Medal
British War Medal
Military Medal
Military Medal
Serjeant Ernest Albert Spicer (10042)
Killed in Action on Monday 26th August 1918, aged 21
Son of John & Mary Ann Spicer
Father's occupation: Head Shepherd
Born Q4 1896 at Crowmarsh, Wallingford
2 sisters, 5 brothers, position in family: 3
Local address: Kennel Cottage, Haines Hill, Hurst
Pre-war occupation: Labourer
Regiment:Royal Berkshire Regiment
Battalion:5th Battalion
Division:12th (Eastern)
Went overseas:Friday 6th November 1914
Died:Monday 26th August 1918
Cause:Killed in Action
Battalion at:Carnoy
Commemorated:Grave at Peronne Road Cemetery, Maricourt

An extract from the 5th Battalion War Diary:

Sunday 25th August 1918
France, Nr. Becordel
During night moved to trenches South of FRICOURT Road. Battalion H.Q. moved also.
Monday 26th August 1918
France, Carnoy
2a.m. Orders for C.O. to meet Brigadier. Orders issued for attack East of CARNOY at 4.00 - 4.30. Dispersed situation, Company Commanders summoned and verbal orders given. Battalion formed up ready to march at 3.30a.m. Marched by compass about 3 1/2 miles and reached forming up place at 4.45. Barrage then over Battalion attacked Right and Left of village of CARNOY. A and B Companies leading followed by C and D in rear. A and C on left, B and D on Right.
Held up by heavy Machine Gun fire on final objective and heavy casualties ensued. Touch was made with LONDON on Right but failed to gain touch with 7 R. SUSSEX on left. Heavy fighting on left flank and enemy after 2 attempts rushed our left flank, and captured a number of our men. 2/Lt Stapleton killed trying to get away and many men dispersed. 2/Lt TUTTON badly wounded and died. Medical Officer Capt W.M. LANSDALE killed by shell at Batt. H.Q. previous evening.
Tuesday 27th August 1918
France, Carnoy
Battalion moved forward and occupied 2 objectives, Queen Victoria St. and Bois TAILLES with right on MACHINE GUN WOOD. 9th Royal Fusiliers attacked through us in morning gaining objective, MALTZ HORN FARM. Guns moved forward, Battalion H.Q. moved to dugouts near MARINCOURT.


Ernest Spicer at Peronne Road Cemetery, Maricourt
Peronne Road Cemetery, Maricourt
Rest in peace dear Ernest
from Mother & Father

They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun, and in morning
We will remember them.
Lawrence Binyon